Do Justice

Clean House

In which I offer up another free excerpt from Spring Clean: Devotions for Lent, with an emphasis on cleaning every sense of the phrase.

Bible, Holidays

Spring Clean: Devotions for Lent Book Launch (with FREE Giveaway to My First 25 Responders)!

In which my new book, Spring Clean: Devotions for Lent, goes live...and there's a FREE journal giveaway for my first 25 responders!

Mental Health


When my girls were little, I quickly noticed that they based a large percentage of their feelings and reactions on mine.  This was most evident when they were learning to walk.  Anytime they wobbled, tripped, fell down, or even just startled themselves, they immediately looked to my face for a response. If I heeded my… Continue reading ta-dah!

Bible, Holidays


The first week of Lent is finished, and I am happy to report that it was largely a success.  My girls and I accomplished all of our goals and stayed faithful to the promises we made.  We supported each other in our different struggles and came away from it closer than ever.  That's the good… Continue reading sweet

Bible, Holidays

fallow ground is HARD

It's the first Monday of the New Year - how are those resolutions coming?  When it comes to New Year's resolutions, the people I know tend to fall into one of three categories: 1. The super-disciplined, who can and do make self-improvements on a regular basis regardless of the season.  These guys see goals as… Continue reading fallow ground is HARD