Bible, Mental Health


I've been a church-going girl all of my life, literally since I was born. Christianity has always played a huge role in my life and worldview, and a key expression of that for me is attending church.  In my strongest moments, I show up, worship, connect with or encourage someone else there, and take home… Continue reading cross/fit

Mental Health


When my girls were little, I quickly noticed that they based a large percentage of their feelings and reactions on mine.  This was most evident when they were learning to walk.  Anytime they wobbled, tripped, fell down, or even just startled themselves, they immediately looked to my face for a response. If I heeded my… Continue reading ta-dah!

Bible, Holidays


The first week of Lent is finished, and I am happy to report that it was largely a success.  My girls and I accomplished all of our goals and stayed faithful to the promises we made.  We supported each other in our different struggles and came away from it closer than ever.  That's the good… Continue reading sweet

Holidays, Mental Health, Pop Culture


“I think there must be something wrong with me, Linus. Christmas is coming, but I’m not happy. I don’t feel the way I’m supposed to feel…” -Charlie Brown I hate to admit this, but in the past, I have written off this bewildered confession as evidence of weak character on good old Charlie Brown’s part.  How… Continue reading blue